Angielski i Business English z Native Speakerem STACJONARNIE i ONLINE w Targówek

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Learn Business English Speaking With Native Professionals

  • ➡️ Stawka za godzinę: 80 zł
Hi! I am a highly experienced English Native Speaker and Business English Coach living in Warsaw. I was born in India but most of my life I have spent in the United Kingdom. I have been supporting the language development of the hotel managers and senior leadership team at the same time pursuing my career in hospitality, recently flourishing as a general manager when I decided to change my life and follow my passion for teaching.

For 15 years, I had been teaching English managers from different industries to ensure their successful start in the United Kingdom. Last year, when I moved to Warsaw, teaching became my full-time job. Over the last 12 months, I have been having a chance to work with over 20 professionals and support their development.

I am passionate about inspiring my students to develop language skills naturally rather than using the traditional learning process. We will be working on authentic materials and focusing on the areas of your interest.

I am focusing as well on my teaching skills development and different industries' knowledge to ensure I can support students from different areas of interest. Currently, I am attending the TEFL level 5 course scheduled to finish in October, as well as gaining marketing knowledge.

During my English coaching sessions, you will improve your verbal, writing, and listening skills and you will gain confidence leading to natural fluency. You will learn how to communicate effectively and how to enhance your existing conversation skills. I am specializing in Business English Coaching and General English Conversation.

***Prices start from 80 zl per hour and depend on your level, class location, and type, of course, you have chosen***
🏷 zł80
📍 Region: Targówek
⏱ Czas publikacji : 11.09.2022

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