Mów jak native z nauczycielem American English! Unikalna metoda w Bielany

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  • ➡️ Forma zajęć: Online
  • ➡️ Stawka za godzinę: 57 zł
Hello, I am Alfonso Parrado and I am an expert of American English. I am a Spaniard, but through a unique method, I learned English by myself to the point of achieving a native-like fluency and accent.

I have taught to students of every level, A1 to C2, mostly teens and adults . I studied environmental sciences and chemistry at university, my education is therefore bilingual and scientific. I love science but when I realized I learned English to a point that many people thought impossible, how good a teacher I am and how happy the students are, I switched paths.

We can work on grammar, pronunciation and I can also prepare you for CAE and CPE exams .

Interested in learning with me? Let’s meet for a free trial lesson!

🏷 zł57
📍 Region: Bielany
💁‍♂️ Alfonso
⏱ Czas publikacji : 06.04.2023

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